Thursday, May 21, 2009

Did I tell you about my new toy...

For my birthday Shane gave me a fabulous new camera, it has been so fun to take pictures with. All of the sudden I am capturing some of the greatest moments with the kids including these fun shots from the other night when Mason taught Max the fun of playing with the hose.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I am thankful for Dad and Spider man

Awhile back Shane took Mason to a car/truck/things with wheels show. They both had such a great time, but when they cam back Mason told me the highlight of the day was when he met Spider man. That night as I was putting him to bed, he said his prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for Dad and Spider Man.

Max's Opposites



Let's get out of town

A few weeks ago we decided that we needed to get out of town for the day. So went on a drive to Palisades reservoir. We were surpised when we got there to see that there was still quite a lot of snow. Shane was even more surprised when he stepped onto the snow bank and sunk in up to his knee (sorry no pictures of that one I was laughing too hard). Mason of course then had to climb on the snow, and was actually a bit disappointed that he didn't sink in too. Max got really excited when he saw one of his favorite things a ball. He stood for a long time reaching and reaching and repeating one of his best words "bah, bah, bah" (translation "I want that ball, I really, really want it." I explained to him that there was just no way that we were going to be able to get that ball down, but still he begged, "bah, bah, bah."
In case you can't tell that is a red marker ball on the overhead power line. Do you remember when you still believed that your parents could do anything? Apparently Max is a believer because he truly expected that Shane or I would somehow traverse that 50 foot distance between the ground and the wire and get him that ball. Max was just distraught over not being able to get the ball, but luckily Shane was able to distract him by teaching him to throw snowballs.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mason's Birthday

So this is a bit late, but I must tell you all about Mason's birthday. We had such a fun time. Since Mason was turning four we decided to do our first friend birthday party. It was very thrilling. Mason wanted to have a Batman party, and then I later talked him into broadening the theme to superheroes.
I was a little nervous about hosting such a crowd of kids, but it turned out really well. When the kids came they all got a chance to decorate their own cape. Then everyone put their capes on and we played "Batman, Batman, Joker" (think duck, duck, goose") for a few minutes. This lasted about one and half rounds before it digressed into absolute chaos. You'll notice that me and the only girl at the party are the only ones still sitting down. Boys are so crazy.

It was then decided that we should have cupcakes, but upon returning to the kitchen we found that our cupcakes had been stolen by villains... gasp . Lucky for me I was surrounded by newly caped superheroes who were more than willing (and thrilled) to apprehend every last villain.
After the villian hunt was done we were able to discover the whereabouts of our cupcakes and everyone ate them right up. We rounded off the hour with present opening, and playtime. I had prepared Mason beforehand by telling him that all the presents were not his until after the party ended, and that while the kids were there they were for everyone. This worked great and not a single tantrum was heard.

That evening we had Shane's family over and opened more presents, and ate more cake. It was such a great day. Mason is such such a special little boy. I am so happy that I get to be his mom.