Saturday, February 3, 2007

Daddy's Boy

This was the scene this morning when Shane tried to use the bathroom by himself.

and then this...

That little boy loves his dad, which is one of the many priceless and immeasurable benefits of parenting, unfortunately for Shane peaceful bathroom breaks are not also included in this benefits package.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

lol... i wish my kids would do that to daddy once in a while!

Anonymous said...

rofl!!!! My kids do that to ME! Annoying, but still kind of nice to know they love you so much.

Anonymous said...

I have not had one private bathroom moment since they arrived. How is it my husband has avoided this scene? Especially since he works at home.

I am glad daddy gets a turn at your house!

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor little guy!
And I've been there myself with my two girls! ;)